Saturday, December 1, 2007

Dream Home by Ong & Ong

They completed more than 500 works and a massive portfolio including residential homes, sales galleries, design clinics and so on. Ong & Ong is a renowned company from Singapore that relate to the design and architecture projects, sometimes on a very large scale. For now we want to keep your attention with the interior design is amazing. White, interior area, vegetation, spiral staircase, the

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Unique Architecture Building: World Wildlife Fund by RAU Architecture

Felt is constant more helpful than pleasing tiles. Operative winning scholarship discover in geothermal profession, this formation is veiled in 2006, the while also acts a locus for live in. The pre-palpable areas of the domicile. In the reconstructed WWF assistance, RAU salvaged most of the accustomed flophouse, but vamped it to bust. RAU Method’s

Monday, October 1, 2007

Beach Home Architecture by Neeson Murcutt Architects in Australia

This home architecture located at beach that cause i called this home design by beach home architecture which located at Sydney, Australia. This house architecture consist of three levels which has terrace with the slope – children and grandparents on the lower level. main living room located at mid level and parents ‘secret’ timber cabin

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Luxury Architecture Home Design by John Henry Architect

n the second floor there are master suites with separate master bath, trunk room, and three large secondary bedrooms with baths ensuite as well as a game Room, an upper library, and rear balconies. More to the point, French Castle luxury home design also has a large basement featuring modern and comfortable rooms like a reception room, a wine cellar, a large swimming pool, electrical and mechanical rooms, and a smoking room

Friday, August 3, 2007


Buongiorno, mi rimane un dubbio riguardo la capacità di resistenza delle case in legno a trombe d'aria (non dimentichiamoci la famigerata tropicalizzazione del clima).
In particolare alcune ditte propongono strutture a telaio tipo case realizzate in nord America: su una platea di cemento armato ancorano una base in legno su cui poi "incastrano" i pali scheletro-telaio della casa.
Siamo sicuri che resistano?

Partiamo da una prima banale considerazione.

Le tecnologie sul mercato delle case prefabbricate sono molteplici e non mi è possibile rispondere per tutte le aziende. Non escludo che alcuni tipi di ancoraggio, se male eseguiti o poco efficaci rispetto alle sollecitazioni dovute a forti correnti d’aria laterali od ascensionali, possano compromettere l’attacco al suolo dell’edificio. Ma, ripeto, bisognerebbe verificare la specifica soluzione tecnica e questo è logicamente impossibile.

resistenza al vento, tornado, trombe d'ariaDetto ciò, mi concentrerei sulla tipologia costruttiva più comune, il telaio appunto. La tipica parete delle case prefabbricate in legno prevede un sandwich di materiali portanti ed isolanti, il cui spessore e la cui composizione dipendono, anche in questo caso, da specifici brevetti e da valutazioni tecnico-economiche della singola azienda di case in legno.

Personalmente, per svariati motivi, do assoluta predilezione alle tecniche di costruzione realmente “prefabbricate”, che prevedano l’assemblaggio delle pareti all’interno dello stabilmento e non in opera nel cantiere. Le pareti, in questo modo, pur basandosi su un sistema “leggero” come il baloon frame, hanno una notevole rigidità, del tutto analoga alla solidità delle costruzioni in muratura.

Va inoltre ribadito che, eccettuata la particolare costruzione dei muri delle case prefabbricate, solai e tetti vengono realizzati tradizionalmente, come per qualsiasi altra costruzione, con travi ed assito in legno, sottofondo e massetti in cemento. Altri sistemi costruttivi di case in legno, lo ribadisco, non sono argomento di questi articoli e ad essi non mi riferisco mai, in nessun modo.

L’aspetto più importante per scongiurare rischi di dissesto di fronte ad eventi atmosferici eccezionali come le trombe d’aria è indubbiamente l’ancoraggio al suolo delle case prefabbricate. Questo avviene per lo più mediante zanche o staffe e tasselli in acciaio zincato imbullonate in fase di montaggio, dimensionate secondo complessi calcoli statici. In zone caratterizzate da vento di notevole intensità sarebbe certamente buona regola tenere conto di queste sollecitazioni supplementari, per minimizzare il rischio.

La congiunzione fra le varie pareti infine viene realizzata ad incastro tramite tiranti in acciaio che operano su boccole filettate, preventivamente inseriti nel corpo della parete in vari punti, connessi semplicemente con un sistema “maschio/femmina”.

Il problema della resistenza al vento delle case prefabbricate in legno andrebbe perciò senz’altro minimizzato, ma potrebbe essere al contrario un serio problema nel caso di costruzioni economiche e tecnicamente approssimative.

0 commenti

Thursday, August 2, 2007


Le imprese di costruzioni solitamente si limitano a preparare un preventivo di spesa per la realizzazione dell’opera sulla scorta del computo metrico estimativo fornito dal progettista. Non è questa la sede per rimarcare quanto raramente vi sia corrispondenza con le spese reali a consuntivo, ma va piuttosto evidenziato che la voce “costi” viene sempre affrontata di pari passo con lo stato di avanzamento dei lavori. Difficilmente ci si occupa delle questioni impiantistiche o delle finiture prima ancora di iniziare gli scavi. Questo porta a rimandare molte importanti scelte ad un momento successivo, una prassi che non permette una pianificazione compiuta dei lavori ed un controllo adeguato della spesa.

case in legno, case di legno, case legnoIl “prezzo certo” è senz’altro uno dei principali punti di forza delle case prefabbricate in legno. Questo è possibile proprio grazie alla necessità di prevedere dall’inizio e con precisione ogni dettaglio.

Il principio è proprio quello di partire da un costo base (un po’ come si fa per l’acquisto di un auto) a cui aggiungere gli accessori, sino alla completa personalizzazione del prodotto (e conseguente lievitazione dei costi).

E’ evidente che risulta assai difficile fornire un prezzo medio attendibile per le case prefabbricate, ma piuttosto una prima indicazione, del tutto orientativa.

Una successiva messa a punto del preventivo, con la definizione nel dettaglio di ogni aspetto porterà a firmare un contratto potenzialmente “blindato”, a tutto vantaggio del cliente, soprattutto se la disponibilità economica non sarà altissima.

Vi sono anche alcuni aspetti “curiosi” nell’acquisto delle case prefabbricate, come una concorrenza non sempre dignitosa e corretta tra le varie ditte di case in legno.

A puro titolo indicativo ecco qualche estratto di alcune mail che mi sono giunte

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Contemporary Architecture Restaurant by Pascal Grasso Architect in Japan

The restaurant takes its name, Nomiya, from a very small restaurant in Japan.The restaurant comprises a glass cabin and a perforated metal screen covering the central cooking area. The 18 metre-long structure was part constructed in the Cherbourg boatyard in northern France and transported to Paris in two parts, where it was assembled on the roof of Le Palais de Tokyo. White Corian furniture populates the

Monday, July 2, 2007


Io come molti altri, soprattutto in questi ultimi tempi, ho intenzione di realizzare una biocasa in legno. Trattasi di una villetta su 2 piani per la quale sto attualmente valutando sia la tecnica XLAM che quella a TELAIO.
Nel caso del mio progetto, la zona giorno è semi-interrata, esiste infatti una porzione della zona giorno che per ovvi motivi volumetrici è interrata.
Quali sono i rischi nell'utilizzare il “legno” per la realizzazione del piano seminterrato ?
Ovviamente a progetto è prevista un'intercapedine di 70cm, ma mi chiedevo se l'ambiente poco aerato e scarsamente illuminato e quindi inevitabilmente più umido possa creare problemi nel tempo alle strutture in legno.
Inutile dire che tutte le aziende di case prefabbricate consultate non hanno sollevato alcun problema tranne una che proprio ieri mi ha messo penso a ragione la famosa “pulce nell’orecchio.
Inoltre non vorrei ostinatamente voler fare la casa in legno per poi trovarmi ad avere problemi legati ad una bellissima terrazza (tetto piano) che ahimè porta acqua ed umidità alla zona giorno sottostante.

CASE HAAS, HAAS FERTIGBAUIl fatto che molte aziende di case in legno abbiano considerato favorevolmente la fattibilità dell’intervento non deve essere interpretato a mio avviso come mancanza di scrupolo. All’atto pratico, l’intercapedine, se ben concepita, può essere più che sufficiente ad aerare il piano, evitando persistenti condizioni di umidità.
Mi sembra di capire che stiamo parlando di un piano parzialmente interrato e non di uno scantinato.
L’istallazione a questo livello dell’edificio di un impianto di ventilazione meccanica controllata a recupero di calore potrebbe garantire condizioni ottimali di percentuale d’acqua nell’aria, tenendo sotto controllo il tasso di umidità in tutte le stagioni.
Ovviamente, se da un lato l’intervento può essere ritenuto ammissibile, bisognerebbe capire se questa soluzione sia davvero indicata per la realizzazione del piano seminterrato. Una costruzione in cemento armato o in laterocemento, mantenendo l’intercapedine de adeguatamente protetta da un isolamento a cappotto all’esterno, potrebbe essere interessante dal punto di vista puramente termico, risultando maggiormente indicata sotto l’aspetto costruttivo. Chiaramente bisognerebbe conoscere il progetto e le scelte tecniche previste per ottimizzare l’impermeabilizzazione dell’edificio. Nel caso specifico, avendo a disposizione le piante, la sensazione è che l’intervento del seminterrato sia realizzabile sia in legno che in tradizionale.
Cerchiamo di riassumere pertanto i pro e i contro delle due soluzioni.

Favorite of Luxury Home Design

for young couples who have a lot of money would want to have a dream house complete with luxurious facilities to live his life in the family, here we present some examples of modern luxury home design complete with all amenities including a family pool

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Modern Architecture of Amalfi Residence by BGD Architects

Entry toward moden architecture design of of Amalfi Residence is via a recycled timber colonnade that runs along the east boundary adjoining the park. It is here that the connection to the water becomes evident as a 25m lap pool forms a secure edge to the boundary, acting as a moat between public and private spaces. How wonderful insidearchitecture design home volumes quickly expand from single to double storey at its centre to allow natural light to filter throughout. Timber lined ceilings at the entry, fold up the void wall to enhance the height of this space. The cantilevered Blackbutt and off-form concrete staircase has become a feature as it enhances the open style of the residence. The flooring changes from a robust bluestone at the entry and void to a warmer Blackbutt timber in the family spaces. Exposed, structural off-form concrete elements also add warmth to the interior when balanced with clean lines and warm timber accents.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Broken five educate creators zero homes

The first "zero" building in China, built the Italians for a British university. This internationality is not coincidental. Young engineers and architects will learn here is just the construction of "zero" homes, not only for Chinese but for the whole world. So the vanguard building, appeared in 200 km south of Shanghai, will provide students and teaching body, and a living laboratory.

On 20 September this year, the inauguration of the Center's environmentally friendly energy technologies (Centre for Sustainable Energy Technologies - CSET). This scientific and educational institution is a branch of the University of Nottingham in Ningbo (University of Nottingham at Ningbo) - that is, Chinese British university campus.

CSET building designed Italian company Mario Cucinella Architects (MCA), filling it with modern solutions to enable fully utilize the natural potential for heat and lighting. And, of course, the construction of this very self-sufficient in electricity.

It should be noted that building a zero energy balance (Zero-energy building) gradually conquer the world. As long as they do very little, but nowhere to go: do not want to depend on the reliability of electricity or the surge in oil prices - obzavedites their own sources of energy.

Cottages, pavilions, and even high-Acquires windmills and solar panels. In addition to environmental data (not the cheapest) technology so pleasant, that allows to save on operation.

Our attention has been drawn at home and whole-plant 'eco-city ": landing-real, contentious and very very fantastic.

Every such project is interesting in its own way. Especially if the environmental cleanliness and energy self-sufficiency combined with newcomer nontrivial appearance. Where is the wall of the CSET? A cursory glance and did not understand, this pile of broken lines.

By creating this fantastic structure, the Italians drew inspiration from the Chinese flashlight and traditional wooden shutters and screen. But the "lantern" - a vision for the future, rather than in the past.

CSET total area of 1300 square energy provided by photovoltaic cells, spread side by side, as well as - wind turbine.

The building has five aboveground and one underground floor. All of them are connected to a wide mine that went to the roof (but covered from rain).

This element is directly responsible for two features CSET - it allows the reflected sun rays penetrate deep into reducing the need for electric lighting, and even - defines the path of air flow.

In conjunction with geothermal (as writes MCA) that provides energy to heat buildings in winter and the innards cool them in summer with minimal costs "from the wall outlet. Yes, and "rosette", as we know, the CSET - his own.

According to the Italian firm, its cooling CSET spends the entire 7-8 kilowatt hours per square meter per year, about two orders of magnitude less than the cost of conventional office building on classical conditioning in the region where most of the year, to put it mildly, hot.

The sponsors estimate that the green in all senses CSET building will reduce the burning of coal at 448.9 tons and carbon emissions to 1,081.8 tons in the next 25 years. Across China - small numbers. But this is only an example, guiding star.

The problem of air pollution in China, especially in big cities and around them - is no secret. A growing industry - but one of its sources. Use the same pattern.

Recently, the number of motor vehicles (cars and trucks) in Chinese has exceeded 168 million, reports Treehugger. A lot of it or not? In the U.S., for example, this number exceeds a quarter of a billion. But in China the growth rate the park - above: more than 5% per year, while in those same States, an annual increase of less than 2%.

In such circumstances, "sustainable" technology is not to be redundant. And in China, promising vengeance develop "green" trend in architecture. Not without the help of foreign experts.

For example, several years ago was discovered "Sino-Italian environmental energy efficient building" (Sino-Italian Ecological Energy-Efficient Building - SIEBB) all of the same MCA, was built for the University Tsynhua (Tsinghua University) in Beijing.

Interestingly, SIEBB gives shelter to the Sino-Italian research and academic centers for environmental protection and energy-efficient technologies. Just some kind of trend. However, what surprised Chinese students after the biologists and clinicians, who have settled in the living cell."

The building is designed in such a way as to minimize the costs of heating and cooling. It has its own solar panels, but most of the energy facility receives from its own generators, provided a gas engine.

However, on the complete zero balance of the works of his Italian masters did not write.

There are a few buildings of its kind implemented. But the biggest "no" facility in China should be a 300-meter "tower pearl river in Guangzhou, designed by U.S. company Skidmore, Owings & Merrill. On this project we were told in detail, and now the same skyscraper is on the way to completion (scheduled date of delivery - 2009).

And by 2010, near Shanghai, to grow a "zero-town" - Duntan (Dongtan).

This futuristic object should simply be punctuated with modern technology. So good specialists he needed. And perhaps, some of them come from the walls of CSET. After all, this center can be considered a textbook of glass, concrete and metal. And a good guide at the same time. Representatives of the University of Nottingham called the center "a beacon in the world of green technology."

Let the size of this "zero" five small, but as the Chinese saying goes, "the journey of a thousand miles in length starts with one step."

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Giant eco-city as a source of innovation

Masdar. The new name in the environmental field. It is a city. That initiative. This is a company. And it is an attempt to build a dream in the desert, a reference environment in which the most advanced technology integrated into the environment. Pits have seen, filled with piles, trucks and bulldozers pyhtyat at all. Welcome to the future. In Abu Dhabi.

Masdar City (Masdar City), whose name in Arabic means "the source, the key" is already gaining its shape, even though on-site construction can be seen only weird concrete structures sticking out of the sand.

The initiators of the grand project (and the first violin is played by Power Corporation of Masdar) promise to make this town the first city in the world with zero carbon (here, he could overtake Santa Monica), and zero waste. The original architecture, curious energy systems, futuristic transportation (city without cars) - in Masdare will look at that.

Maybe, with a bird's-eye view the city, this does not make a strong impression: dense low number of storeys and the building of a simple rectangular layout. But from the street in front of residents and tourists discover the whole beauty of this green space.

The main thing is to pay attention that passers - nearly the entire city will be covered from top to host daedal openwork designs, created on the streets and squares carnage shadow. In conjunction with the close standing houses, a part of which still hang over the wall and the sidewalk or implemented speakers balustrades and platform, the canopy creates an unusual sense of comfort.

Eco-city in the desert would be alien to the enormous empty space with hot asphalt, hot sun. Although we can not say that in Masdare not be open space. But all will be subjected to an atmosphere of home, and spiritual environment. Ubiquitous fountain, kanalchiki and vodopadiki, greenery, and no pamphlets with chadyaschimi car.

From a practical point of view figured Pologi will help reduce air conditioning costs in the city. This combination of style now and technologies, as well as in all things, what has made the hands of the famous Norman Foster. Yes it is Foster + Partners have painted fairy Masdar.

The project that started back in 2007, but now he began materializovyvatsya. In general, a development of this amazing area of Abu Dhabi (in fact the city in the city) is calculated to 2023.

Masdar will be a zone free of industrial enterprises and ecologically transport.

According to the authorities of Abu Dhabi, one and a half thousand companies from different countries will find it their offices, laboratories or research centers to take this opportunity to organize an enterprise with 100 percent foreign ownership, zero tax and the lack of restrictions on capital movement, and - strong protection of intellectual property.

Thus, Masdar aims to become ekozvezdoy region, which will develop advanced technologies and demonstrate them in the best.

Desalination of water using solar energy and water reuse technology, processing of waste in raw materials, advanced climate control system maintenance, 100 percent alternative energy - the city will give a good example of the followers. But Masdar will also export green technology.

Surprisingly, the major oil exporters - UAE - so care to questions of energy security, climate change, water conservation and protection of nature, that he decided to create a special place, where professionals from all over the world could work to resolve these problems.

This is the "Masdar Initiative." The objective - the creation of a new economic sector of the UAE around the green and tech industries, to attract partners from abroad, including - the technological leaders.

There appeared new invention then will be realized not only in the UAE but also in other countries.

This business plan Emirates, partly to help make this a very expensive superekoproekt (it is estimated at $ 22 billion), a potential gold bottomed. Masdar will make the banner of the diversification of oil economy, a symbol of the environmental movement.

The movement is in the Masdare will also be environmentally friendly. As already stated - it will be a zone free of cars. But there will be an unusual public transport - personal velocity (PRT).

The first word means that one device will be able to move a total of six people (that is before us is not even a minibus), and the second is a high speed - not so much the maximum number of secondary, plus a small waiting time and optimal route of travel.

Capsule-Robots CyberCabs will wait for its passengers in a number of items the city. The person or group of people can sit in them, on the control panel to dial the destination and calmly watch as the unmanned taxi brought them to the right place.

Network stops should contact the special track (including - air), and stopped the capsule will go to the main highway without impeding other trailer to pass, which will provide high capacity systems and reduced travel time for each passenger.

This taxi-bots are not new. The idea of PRT's in the air for almost 50 years, but examples of the practical realization of the full (yes with real passengers, rather than a test) - one-two and ...

In fact their two examples and there. The first such system in the world - ULTra, developed in Bristol - will soon start at London Heathrow. We talked about it in the second part of this news.

A second practical system - it just has a shuttle Masdare.

As a general principle of operation and even the appearance CyberCabs, created for the UAE, like capsules ULTra, but self apparatus for eco-city designed and built another company - the Dutch 2getthere.

However, there are subtle differences. A British electronic brains capsules rely on signals of laser range finders, the Dutch - in the testimony of sensors feel the magnets embedded in the asphalt every five meters. In ULTra batteries - lead-acid in the capsules of 2getthere - more expensive but more capacious lithium.

Generally, advanced energy technologies - Masdara horse. Solar panels and windmills - it goes without. It will test the other options for energy production. No wonder the second title of Masdar - Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company.

In particular, there is a chance that the site Masdara inventors test a system for Beam-Down, developed at Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Institute of Technology).

At its core - a field of mirrors to guide the beams to the heat sink, through which coolant is pumped, eventually driving the turbine power plant. The principle is not new - remember the enchanting solar tower in Spain and her relatives?

However, the Japanese set like upside.

Heat sink is located on the ground, and in the air, in the center of the mirror field, "suspended" another great mirror that collects light from the army the lower mirror and transport it down.

According to developers, such a solar thermal station will be cheaper and more effective than the classic version with a high tower in the center. 100-kilowatt model of Beam-Down, who "woo" Masdaru can show in practice - it is not so.

Perhaps over time we learn more about any unusual technologies that will be involved in the Masdar - a huge laboratory for "not very open."

For the inhabitants of the same city, probably much more important to design all this tumult innovations. Foster + Partners has tried to in the city was a pleasure to live, work and play.

Perhaps Masdar is conceived not as fussy as the underworld of San Francisco-2108, a rotating city or town-lilies, but it is already built.

And that - despite the crisis, which has challenged many prelyubopytnye facilities in the Gulf. But in Baghdad ... that is, in Masdare all in stride.

By the autumn of this year to open its doors to one of the first buildings miracle city - Masdar Institute of Science and Technology, created with the participation of the MIT (MIT).

The choice of the first object to be put into operation, is symbolic. Indeed Masdar intends to lead in "green" future of all humanity. But without science and technology - see yourself ... "One day, all cities will be such, - optimistic to say the company Masdar.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Tower-cleaner employs millions of bacteria in the turbine

Here, and micro and nano here. Here and turbines, and fotoyacheyki. And yet - the army of microbes, cure damage to the structure. Taken together, the same - ekobashnya, on the appearance of which in any way for that not to guess about her appointment. Until podbereshsya for most of its walls. Come and we will. Suppose that we are still only a fantasy.

London designer Agustin Otegui Mexican origin with both hands for cleaner sources of energy (because there is no other way "), only now he does not like the trend towards gigantomanii in this field.

Here and there appear huge building projects with a titanic windmills at the top, house, cover photovoltaic panels, and entire fields of solar panels, extending to the horizon. Pro wind-mills stometrovoy height, has long become a "decoration" idyllic rural landscapes in several countries - and to say no.

Agustín asks: "Why not start thinking about a small scale and apply the" green innovation "to the existing buildings and structures (bridges and tunnels)?

Sound idea - try to write the same windmills and solar panels in the shape of the buildings so as to get the most organically and imperceptibly. In one form or another have already tried this trick done many times, but Oteguy brought the idea to its logical conclusion - he invented a system for collecting energy gratuitous (and at the same time - of greenhouse CO2), could merge with the building so that when they look at the construction has meters with twenty you do not suspect.

Thus was born Project Nano Vent-Skin.

The basis of this "skin" - a network with rectangular cells to a few centimeters across. An nanoprovodov of it (probably means the wires, made by a large number of nanotubes plexus). And they need not only for the transfer of energy.

Wires played the role of axes for a myriad of tiny wind turbinok located on the sides of each cell. The length of one such micro (gelikoidnoy forms) is 25, and diameter - 10,8 mm.

The outer surface of each turbine is covered with photovoltaic film on the basis of organic matter.

The large (about several meters) pieces of such a network must be tight on the metal frame, and has large clusters of these builders will be able to make the building walls.

Two sources of energy - light and wind - use a "skin" at the same time, to supply electricity to the network. At the same time issued a wall Nano Vent-Skin is smooth and one-, but from inside, through which you can easily overlook the neighborhood.

Augustin believes that "nanokozha" the ability to decorate the original towers and houses (one of these structures, painted a designer, you can see in the picture), but it is also useful for the upgrade of existing buildings.

It is safe to say that in such a project Agustin difficult, but feasible. Is that nanoprovoda greater reality to the vision necessary to replace the conventional conductors. But we met only a half idea. The second looks more fantastic.

Oteguy "filled" column each mikrovetryaka bioengineered microorganisms, which should, in his conception, to capture light and use the energy for their growth and reproduction, as well as - the repair of the turbines.

Bacteria are responsible for the self-element "skin". They take carbon from the air, where there is enough "harmful" for carbon dioxide. In this regard, green tower with Nano Vent-Skin will be similar to plants: healing environments.

Interestingly, the designer has built a plastic modelku its grid, so even thought (computer models), as these will turbinki flows around the air.

In the corners of each major bloc nanokozhi "batteries are accumulating energy collected by the tower.

It also hosted sensors that determine the failure of small turbinok.

A supply of materials necessary "skin" for samoremonta is contained in the same network nodes. If necessary "nutrients" are delivered to turbinkam of tube around nanoprovodniki.

As we see, Oteguy not poskupilsya on "emerging technologies". But in the very very early to write utopian project.

Recall that in the walls of laboratories, has long vyzrevayut technologies and materials, something similar to that introduced in the Nano Vent-Skin a British artist.

So, maybe in twenty years, Nano Vent-Skin translate into reality? Do not undertake to predict. But let's say that the project has the right to life if only because of its nice view.

And because there is something fascinating in that to get to the tower, and suddenly found that its green wall is actually translucent, and drawn from the army of tiny turbinok.

And what with the carbon dioxide? Perhaps, even a thousand towers type Nano Vent-Skin does not have on the global balance of CO2 even any noticeable impact. And ten thousand, too.

And the Watchtower of the stores get good. They will be self-sufficient in energy for lighting at night, as they say, in the latest fashion.

Becoming a magnet for tourists, such towers may indirectly help the cause of ecology. Look, some of the visitors entered the beauty of the project, the next time switch off at home unwanted light.

Friday, June 8, 2007

City-lilies will save humanity from the Flood

Today the world is concerned about three main issues: global warming, the price of oil and food crisis. We could not resist and do not talk about the first paragraph. Especially since we got into the hands of such an elegant, if not glamor, the problem of flooding, a decent part of the land.

In the twentieth century, the total sea level rise was only ten centimeters in the current century, as predicted, all fifty! (However, for this is enough to растаял only 1% of the Antarctic ice.)

The French origin of the Belgian architect Vincent Callebaut, is already known to our readers, penetrating influence of environmentalists and decided to create a Lilypad. His offspring, he describes a simple: "Floating Ecopolis for climate refugees."

The giant city-de-lis is a 50 thousand inhabitants, most of those "immigrants" that will sbegat from the effects of global warming in the Great Land. However, on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - IPCC, the organization set up by the UN in 1988, in the disaster zone may be up to 25 million inhabitants of our planet. Therefore Kallebo tried to glory in planning possible future a large part of the world's population.

Lilypad the surface is very similar to a floating sheet of water lilies (namely, the largest of them - Amazon). Hence the name of the whole project, and even to some extent, its internal structure.

What constitutes such a large-scale "craft"? Obviously, the mountain of electronics and completely "green" solutions. Thus, "double-skin" structure made of high strength polyester fibers coated with a layer of titanium dioxide. The latter under the influence of ultraviolet decomposes polluting substances through the atmosphere photocatalyst reaction.

To this add the solar panels, wind energy and tidal, biomass Earth, water treatment using reverse osmosis phenomenon and fitoochischenie, and so on and so forth. In general, the full list. It is unlikely that Vincent thought everything in detail. But the area (about 500 thousand square meters), no doubt, will help stuck on Lilypad any installation, which will in any benefit to the residents' Ecopolis.

Afloat trehgorbaya Mahin be stabilized by the ballast, which is actually a lagoon, located in the heart of Lilypad and filled with fresh water. It is completely immersed in the ocean, it will be collected and recycled rainwater. Well, believe the author's word. It is hoped that the rain could be "found" even in the dry areas of the world (of course, if they remain on the Earth by the year 2100).

According to Kallebo, it is unlikely that the giant amphibious city will create in the world en masse earlier in 2058, so it will focus on the beginning of the next century, accounts for the round.

So. What is interesting with this kind of pool? Ah yes, it has a complex structure. On its surface, facing the ocean, raspolozhatsya "gardens" of marine plants, and in the thick walls of the people will live and work, researchers of marine flora and fauna.

Various animals and vegetation located within Ecopolis. Kallebo proposes to use the many hanging gardens and farms. After all, the city will fully provide for themselves all the necessary, which means that each Lilypad is a small state with its own production, business and development of services.

No cost and no policy. Here it is certainly not sginet and by the end of time! People will have to establish new law and for those residents that will be scattered throughout the "islands of hope" around the world, but this is the tenth issue. Kallebo and us, that really overmodest is interested in the least.

There are other, far more interesting question. Will such an artificial ground is too expensive? But that still does not know anybody. Buyers in any case will, no doubt Vincent, especially in reducing the available housing space. And if they do not become the great world, then many advanced "green" just flat on the Lilypad with hands otorvut.

Well. Self-sufficient city-island - the idea is certainly good and necessary, but in reality, investors are generally more interested in smaller, a bit more tangible projects, such as hotels. But the popularity of the latter may, as under water, and at the oil platform.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Mirrored facade speaks mechanical reflections

Everyone knows that the pieces of broken mirrors perfectly reflect the situation no worse than a mirror. But in childhood, none of you tried to re-move pieces of glass to get a picture? Something similar is now able to creators dynamic facade.

Skyscrapers, the walls are composed entirely of glass, many blamed for the inconspicuous appearance, but they have at least one visual advantage in front of the brick and concrete: they can "change" appearance, depending on the color of the sky. Does it run on the clouds, or the weather is clear, the facade of "mirror" the skyscraper will reflect itself in all this beauty.

But what if you make the next logical step? Let the different parts of the facade to reflect the different sky, surrounding buildings, earth and asphalt. Let these reflections to live their lives constantly changing. Finally, make a wall on a building to run light and dark stripes, waves, circles. And even if such a variation to multiply on the volatility of the sky ...

It is this enchanting spectacle is able to provide an interesting thing called Flare Facade. How it works, best seen in this video.

Intricate angles and facets of one such plate allow build one "screen" that can close the facade of any shape, even though, at least waved.

Well, change the brightness of "pixels" in the "screen" has a very simple way. Each mirror unit mounted on an axis and can vary from a small angle by means of a pneumatic actuator.

When the surface is "pixel" is oriented vertically to the ground observer, it reflects the bright sky. Well, if pneumatic cylinders tilt steel block down - it will already reflect the land. So turn out the light and dark dots on the "screen".

Of course, controls the deviation of all elements of the computer, which can provide a reproduction of any figure - albeit a static image, though the animation. Speed drives, you can create on the surface of the facade is quite lively picture.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

The house without looking at the angle of light under the right angle

When required to erect a small house in one of the central areas of Tokyo Nakano, architects firm prizadumalas. This is an array of densely built, and only at the proposed site and is free can be set unless a couple of cars. Get the maximum benefit under the most adverse circumstances - this is possible?

The task complicated environment: there existing buildings and fences, restricting access to the future of the cottage to direct sunlight. At shading employed luxury high tree, but chop down a beauty, no one was settled, the more so in this place, it was hardly the only joy for the eyes.
Yet Japanese craftsmen of the company's Schemata Architecture achieved the desired effect - have been building, if not the most comfortable in the world, then, in any case, suitable for residence, and most importantly - good lighting inside the natural way.

Schemata Architecture calculated the "magic angle", which was equal to 63.02 degrees. No, not the one under which to throw stones into the river, and the one under which the planners have cut one of the sides is almost rectangular in structure.

This section, which is (in the form above) the angle of 63.02 degrees with the adjacent road, became the main façade of the house, and it is focused almost all of the cottage window (not counting the very small in the other walls).

Glass on the "oblique facade" done simply enormous - from floor to ceiling. So these "63.02" allowed to combine in a decent building floor area with good lighting. Indeed, placement of windows on the wall, looking straight into the street, would not make sense because of the narrowness of the building, but on the side walls - because of the shadows of the buildings-sosedey.Imenno by reason of this strange house rake and was named 63.02 House. But 63.02 is better than just 63's or even 60 - the architects of the Land of the Rising Sun is silent.

I must say that this is not the first example, when the developers of the building had to write it in a very limited area, and it is far from rectangular. The most striking example, perhaps, is the Brazilian private house, the facade of which has a width of just 1.1 metra.Ploschad to 63.02 House has taken on the ground, was less than 25 square meters, the total usable area is the house - 71.4 square meters.

Perhaps a permanent dwelling in such a narrow construction of (the width, you can easily appreciate the image) - not a pleasant prospect. But the mission at 63.02 House several inoe.Eto will rent, lease, or a small "residential office" (SOHO), increasingly popular "hybrid" of working space and accommodation, convenient in some situations. Remember, by the way, nice project Life.lab?

So if you say that Japanese small house is not a masterpiece, we will answer: just need to look at him with the proper perspective. At an angle of 63.02 degrees.

The house without looking at the angle of light under the right angle

When required to erect a small house in one of the central areas of Tokyo Nakano, architects firm prizadumalas. This is an array of densely built, and only at the proposed site and is free can be set unless a couple of cars. Get the maximum benefit under the most adverse circumstances - this is possible?

The task complicated environment: there existing buildings and fences, restricting access to the future of the cottage to direct sunlight. At shading employed luxury high tree, but chop down a beauty, no one was settled, the more so in this place, it was hardly the only joy for the eyes.
Yet Japanese craftsmen of the company's Schemata Architecture achieved the desired effect - have been building, if not the most comfortable in the world, then, in any case, suitable for residence, and most importantly - good lighting inside the natural way.

Schemata Architecture calculated the "magic angle", which was equal to 63.02 degrees. No, not the one under which to throw stones into the river, and the one under which the planners have cut one of the sides is almost rectangular in structure.

This section, which is (in the form above) the angle of 63.02 degrees with the adjacent road, became the main façade of the house, and it is focused almost all of the cottage window (not counting the very small in the other walls).

Glass on the "oblique facade" done simply enormous - from floor to ceiling. So these "63.02" allowed to combine in a decent building floor area with good lighting. Indeed, placement of windows on the wall, looking straight into the street, would not make sense because of the narrowness of the building, but on the side walls - because of the shadows of the buildings-sosedey.Imenno by reason of this strange house rake and was named 63.02 House. But 63.02 is better than just 63's or even 60 - the architects of the Land of the Rising Sun is silent.

I must say that this is not the first example, when the developers of the building had to write it in a very limited area, and it is far from rectangular. The most striking example, perhaps, is the Brazilian private house, the facade of which has a width of just 1.1 metra.Ploschad to 63.02 House has taken on the ground, was less than 25 square meters, the total usable area is the house - 71.4 square meters.

Perhaps a permanent dwelling in such a narrow construction of (the width, you can easily appreciate the image) - not a pleasant prospect. But the mission at 63.02 House several inoe.Eto will rent, lease, or a small "residential office" (SOHO), increasingly popular "hybrid" of working space and accommodation, convenient in some situations. Remember, by the way, nice project Life.lab?

So if you say that Japanese small house is not a masterpiece, we will answer: just need to look at him with the proper perspective. At an angle of 63.02 degrees.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Demolished and preserved: the new old house printed

Nothing outstanding. Undistinguished old houses. They are painted: the only window in the wall so the roof of a triangle with the stack. The only - zdanitse why it is behind a glass wall, if located in an aquarium. You guessed it, why not? Because of the white house - does not exist.

Venue is Australia: old margin area of Melbourne, street name Tyson. Around one tiny cottages nondescript appearance, however, the area is considered a historical heritage and to be protected by the city council. That is stuck in the street Tyson 300-meter skyscraper can no Australian Gazprom.

And once one of the houses has changed the owner - the structure, together with land purchased non-poor family. The structure of the time completely dilapidated. However, the new owner initially planned to demolish houses and build in its place a normal modern 2-storey mansion, which was entrusted with the design of Melbourne architects of the Bureau of Jackson Clements Burrows Architects.

The customer immediately said that he does not want any trials with the guardians of historic heritage. They, in turn, agreed that the house is not a monument of architecture, or anything like that.

But city authorities have stated that the building makes a significant contribution to the urban landscape "and that new home should be in form, scale and detail in harmony with the surrounding buildings - exactly the same tiny one.

Of course, caught between the hammer and the anvil napryaglis architects. But, you must give them the dilemma resolved brilliant "unreal" a compromise that satisfies everyone. The project was simple title "The Old House."

There are no tricks with the reorientation of the image to create the illusion when viewed from different sides there. Projection here and do not smell. "The right kind of" new-old house has only one point - if you stand to face it, the top of eucalyptus with photographs coincide with a live tree.

The point is that the old house before the demolition, along with the neighboring wall, trees and sky, photographed. Then the photo printed at a scale of 1:1, set exactly at the place of razed buildings, closing the glass wall as a showcase.

Behind the wall of glass, of course, hides the wall normal. And it is a 2-storied posh mansion. Moreover, the glass facade - practical thing, it is hidden the gate garage for two cars.

Front door hardly disguised, but it is not too striking. But the mailbox in front of her disguise - and he out a piece of siding photographed.

"This project - our reaction to the difficulties in establishing the architecture on the sites of historic heritage. We wanted to show what problems arise in the process of approval - is spoken in Jackson Clements Burrows Architects. - In addition, it is our derisive gesture, which may give new impetus to the debate on the design of protected areas. "

My Old House architects nominated for the contest Premier's Design Awards 2006 (on the interior is also a good job) and even joined the short list, but ultimately did not receive anything.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Sliding home the second changes the mood of the walls

We have a case where the exterior is deceptive. Look at this building from afar - I just shed some. Windows-loopholes, nekrashenye logs, and in general - a primitive form. But should you click, and exposes the secret to the audience filling: split into several parts of the cozy and bright home with large living room, conservatory.

The British company dRMM Architecture has spent several years in design and erection of Suffolk unusual cottage, called "Sliding Home". Customer Russell Ross wanted to get something not too fussy, but at the same time, advanced and innovative. To make it convenient, and unusual ecological.

And so it went. Some time ago, a happy new settler entered into a unique construction, and March 3, 2009 Alex de Rijk, chap dRMM, introduced Sliding House in London at the exhibition and conference on "green" architecture Ecobuild.

His colleagues on the shop and told the guests de Rijk, as innovation and creative thought flight can be connected to energy-efficient buildings "small forms". And "green" theme was tied to the Sliding House was not by chance. This cottage of his main sponsors - the Alex, and Gonsalves Joana - thought not for the sake of epatazha. While, admittedly, come home is impressive when you see it in action.

Sliding House deliberately "painted" in the style of local farms and the like from afar because of a shed or barn. In fact, Sliding House - these are three separate buildings, of the total concrete foundation: the main house, outhouse and garage. The first two built in one line (along the roof ridge) and the garage moved sideways so that almost touches the corners of them. Between the three blocks formed a small courtyard.

Zest same house - its outer shell mobile.

In addition to the main walls of the three building blocks of all the additional roof covers the top, combined with additional same walls. They also performed a few openings for windows and doors, only to behold notches are not necessarily tied to these doors and windows. After all, this "cap Pena" can move along the main axis of the building to many meters, with the ability to stop in any position.

Effectively. The owner may, at its taste, according to the weather, mood, time of day or year, change the degree of openness of the house. To make it to the castle, preserving heat, or substitute the same living room, conservatories (which is associated with a greenhouse because of the full glass walls and roof), under the rays.